Saturday, November 14, 2009

Love & Respect

This weekend Sherry and I went to an excellent marriage seminar called "Love and Respect" This seminar was put on by Sarah and Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. The entire seminar and accompanying books focus on one bible verse "However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." Ephesians 5:33. I did not realize all of the truths wrapped up in this one verse.

I now feel like the devil was trying to keep us from going and then tried to sabotage are time there. I went into this weekend with a bad attitude. I was sick most of the week leading up to this and Sherry and I had been arguing about where the kids would stay. On Friday night we had a very nice and relaxing dinner with a lot of friends before the event so that cheered me up. But after we got to the event the auditorium was packed and the chairs were small with little to no leg room. The room was hot, I was feeling worse and very claustrophobic, I could not concentrate and was wishing I was back home.

I finally got up and went to the atrium area and sat at a table with plenty of room and watched from there. Sherry joined me at the break and the rest of the evening was OK, but I was just in and OK mood.

However this morning after a nice breakfast with Sherry and then sitting comfortably out in the atrium again I really got into the seminar. I felt like they were talking directly to Sherry and I and had been sitting with Sherry and I a few times and listening to our arguments, and hurtful words back and forth. Again the concepts they taught were pretty simple, however we have been like we are for years, and it takes awhile to break out of these bad habits. With this seminar and prayer we will break through this.

We would strongly recommend that every couple go through this seminar! Especially if you have or plan on having kids. It is common knowledge that our kids learn more from what we do than they do from what we tell them. We need to model our marriage to be healthy so that your children will act this way growing up and hopefully model theirs the same way.

There are two books that contain a majority of the concepts taught at this seminar:

----And ----

God Bless You,

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